Wage garnishment is not the green leafy decoration that is lying on your plate when you go to a nice restaurant. It is an exceptionally significant subject. Wage garnishment is when money is taken from the salary of an employee before they even receive their paycheck. This is often ordered by the court for debts such as child support, taxes, unpaid fines and loans. While wage garnishment time and again helps individuals who are due money, it can additionally damage those who are receiving their paychecks garnished. Not merely do they have a percent of their paychecks taken from them every period they are paid, wage garnishment can additionally harm your credit score. Wage garnishments might be used to obtain child support, retrieve back taxes, and to pay back student loans, just to name a few examples.
How Wage Garnishments Hurt Those Who Are Being Garnished
While lenders and creditors may be getting money out of you by opting for this forced payment, wage garnishments can be very harmful to those who are getting garnished. Up to twenty five percent of wages can be taken from an individual if they are having their wages garnished. This can add up to a sizable chunk of change. Families going through wage garnishments often find themselves without the funds to pay other financial responsibilities. Not paying other bills on time can cause even more financial havoc. This can cause serious problems with your credit score. Having your wages garnished can also damage your credit score.
Solutions To Help Stop Wage Garnishment
There are ways to stop wage garnishment. You could always opt to quit your job or take a position that pays in cash, but this is not highly recommended. A bankruptcy attorney is the best person to seek advice from when it comes to putting a stop to wage garnishment. They can deal with the creditor or debt collector directly and save you the time and the headache of having to do it yourself. An attorney can cut down your debt to as little as pennies on the dollar.
Consider Filing For Bankruptcy To Avoid Wage Garnishment
You can also opt to seek employment where you are paid in cash, but these jobs are very hard to find. Another option when it comes to stopping wage garnishments is to file for bankruptcy. While there are many perks of filing for bankruptcy to avoid wage garnishing, you should also be very aware of the cons and seek professional advice. However, there are a few hidden benefits of filling for bankruptcy when trying to not have your paychecks garnished.
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